Guitar Chord of the Day is A
b add9. This is Andy Summer's first guitar chord off the famous Police song
Every Breath You Take
from the 1983 album
Barre across the 4th fret of the guitar with your first finger and make sure every note sounds cleanly.
This guitar chord involves a bit of a stretch for your fingers. If you're having trouble stretching to finger this chord to start with try moving it higher up the guitar's neck and gradually working your way down as your fingers get more used to it.
We've looked at
add9 guitar chords in a few previous posts but this inversion is definitely the most challenging to play cleanly!
Add 9 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 9
Ab add9 uses the notes: Ab, C, Eb, Bb
Our inversion uses the notes in this order: Ab, Eb, Bb, C, Eb, Ab
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Guitar Chord Of The Day