The second fingering of this chord uses a barre. Here we lay the edge of your first finger just behind the first fret.
Minor chords use these scale degrees: 1, b3, 5
Bb minor uses these notes = Bb, Db, F
These chords are movable, playing the same fingering on another fret transposes the chord to a different key:
1st fret Bb minor / A# minor
- 2nd fret B minor
- 3rd fret C minor
- 4th fret Db minor / C# minor
- 5th fret D minor
- 6th fret Eb minor / D# minor
- 7th fret E minor
- 8th fret F minor
- 9th fret Gb minor / F# minor
- 10th fret G minor
- 11th fret Ab minor / G# minor